Part Time
Attention! The 2024-2025 Volusia Online Learning Part-time application is NOW OPEN.
Part-time VOL
Part-time VOL partners with traditional schools and home education families to expand educational options for students in grades 6-12. This flexible alternative satisfies a wide range of educational needs, accommodating everyone from students in traditional educational settings seeking additional courses to homeschooling families aiming to complement their existing curriculum. Part-time VOL is open to registered Volusia County Schools students and students registered with VCS Office of Home Education.
All core courses and a variety of electives are offered; please see our Program of Studies for a complete list of our current offerings. Students will be scheduled for courses on the virtual education platform that best matches their academic, testing, and previous online learning experience, as well as the availability of courses on individual platforms. Students can request courses with Part-time VOL via the part-time application or by meeting with their school counselor.