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The 2025 Spring VOL application is now closed.

Families interested in virtual education opportunities should
 attend one of our Virtual Information Sessions.

Click here to register for an upcoming session.

The 2025-2026 VOL application will open March 2025.

Volusia Online Learning brings together the best technologies, the best curriculum and most importantly, the best of Volusia County teachers, who provide an incredible online experience for your child. We are always committed to educate your student to achieve the highest levels of learning. Teachers and families work together to build relationships that allow for a personalized learning experience for each individual student.

Today, there are many learning options for students. These are some things that make Volusia Online Learning different from other digital learning environments:

·       We are an online public school offered by the Volusia County School district. All our teachers are local, providing multiple opportunities for face-to-face meetings with teachers and other virtual students.

·       We are aligned to state standards and use online resources, virtual lessons, teacher discussions, and a variety of assessment tools to help follow the course’s curriculum. Please note that VOL is a fully online educational environment. 

·       As part of the online learning experience, virtual students will have the opportunity to attend live lessons with their academic teachers. Teachers will provide students and learning coaches with the dates and times for each course’s live lesson. Live lessons require active and engaging participation for all students. 

·       Students are eligible to participate in a graduation ceremony upon completion of graduation requirements and will receive an accredited Volusia County School diploma. 

Volusia Online Learning follows the Volusia County School district school calendar. VOL students have access to their online courses 24/7, even during school holidays and breaks. This allows our students to work at any time. Parents will also have 24-hour access to student course progress and grades. The first and last day of school for students will also be the first and last day of course access for VOL students. VOL adheres to the VCS calendar for grade reporting purposes. All coursework must be completed by the end of each quarter as designated by your child’s teacher.  Please visit School Calendars for the most up to date calendar as published by Volusia County Schools.

A critical factor to successful virtual learning for any student is the involvement and support of the Learning Coach.

Virtual school allows the Learning Coach and student more flexibility than you would find in a traditional school. However, Volusia Online Learning has specific expectations for student behavior and participation in addition to those set forth in the VCS Code of Student Conduct. Virtual school students will not learn unless they are in a safe and secure learning environment. The parent/guardian is solely responsible for student safety and security. Younger students should never be left at home alone during the school day and older students should be left alone only for limited amounts of time. 

The Learning Coach's level of involvement will vary based on the student’s grade and level of independence.  It is recommended that you follow the guidelines below regarding assistance for students by grade level:

Elementary School Assistance level: The parent/legal guardian or designated representative (Learning Coach) will need to provide substantial support to the student throughout the school day and should be with the student physically all day.

Middle School Assistance level: The parent/legal guardian or designated representative (Learning Coach) should be available to provide assistance to the student as needed throughout the day. The parent should be in the same general location all day but may not need to be with the student at all times, depending on the student.

High School Assistance level: Students are expected to perform their schoolwork independently in high school. However, a parent/legal guardian or designated representative (Learning Coach) must still monitor progress and ensure that the student completes required course work. While students may not need constant adult supervision, they must still be in a safe and secure environment.

The Learning Coach accepts the responsibility of supervising the student and ensuring that all work is completed and submitted.

Learning Coaches monitor student grades and attendance, participate in monthly call requirements, provide transportation to the student for face-to-face learning sessions and testing, and attendance at student conferences.

Students in grades K-5 may need to work with their parent/guardian and/or learning coach to meet these expectations. Parents/Guardians of students who work with a learning coach are required to complete a Volusia County School Patron form and submit to a school administrator.

Volusia Online Learning

Grade Levels


Student receives a Volusia County Schools' diploma 


Student assigned a Volusia County School counselor


Curriculum aligned to state standards


Provides quality instruction, intervention, and tutoring


All teachers are Florida certified


All teachers are background checked


Student takes standardized (state) tests at his/her zoned school


Students must log in daily for attendance


Students must adhere to an academic integrity policy


Regular communication between the virtual teachers/staff and the family


Parent or designee is the "learning coach"


NCAA Approved
